'faith' Tagged Posts

'faith' Tagged Posts

Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

With all of the pressures for everyone to be accepting and inclusive of others’ beliefs, and even with the Pope now saying that “All religions are paths to God.” Where do we, as Christians, stand on this issue? Do all religions lead to God, or is Christianity the only one true path to God? To reach a conclusion on this matter, we must first answer this question. Who or what is the final authority on this? In other words, do…

A shipwrecked faith

We all want the type of faith that can move mountains, but are we willing to work for it? I saw a quote the other day and it rings true, “Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do.” There is a whole chapter in the book of Hebrews dedicated to people who “by faith” accomplished great things for God. Without faith, Noah would have never built the ark, or Moses would have never…