Sermons by Pastor Jim Etheridge (Page 37)
Senior Pastor at CCES
Revelation 21 – Old Things Have Passed Away
This morning we are focusing not on the old but the new that is to come.
Revelation 20:1-10 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we get a glimpse into what is to come, by examining the 1,000 year reign, followed by the judgement of Satan. Join us as we work our way through Revelation 20:1-10.
Revelation 20 – Hope and Resurrection
As we come to the last few chapters of the Book of Revelation we have moved past the Anti-Christ and the Great Battle, that is referred to as Armageddon. This week Pastor Jim focuses on the judgement of Satan and all those who have passed before this time. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to…
Revelation 19 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we bring the Great Tribulation to a close as we walk through Chapter 19. We see an end to the evil that will transpire in the last days and the glory that will come in the Second Coming of the Lord, Jesus.
Revelation 18 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we will be going Verse by Verse through Revelation 18.
Revelation 18 – Come Out of Her
Don’t place the world before God. Possessing stuff in itself is not bad, its when the stuff you have possess you that you have a problem. This morning we look at Chapter 18 and focus on what is to come of the commercial center of the world in the End Times, Babylon. We focus on what greed will do to our spiritual life and what God wants us to avoid… “Come out of her, my people, so that you will…
Revelation 17 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we will walk through the 17th Chapter of Revelation. Taking a look back at the history of the tower of Babel. Pastor Jim explores extensively the history surrounding what is to come in the last days.
Revelation 17 – End-times Religion is at the door today!
The Tower of Babylon was mans way to try to reach God, but that plan was quickly thwarted by God. Now we see a modern day Tower being built in the way of Technology. Pastor Jim takes a few moments this morning to think about how man was once confused in its language and now can communicate without issue again. Signs that point to the end times are clear if we just stop and take a look at what is…
Let Freedom Ring
We take a break this week from our study in Revelation. Pastor Jim talks to us this week from the Bible about Freedom. As a Christian you have been set free but what are you doing to free others who are caught up in bondage. Are you serving others? Are you looking for opportunities to bless others? Freedom isn’t free, it costs everyone something. What can you do today to set someone free or show the love of Christ?
Revelation 15 – Verse By Verse
Tonight we will tackle Chapter 15 of Revelation which is a prelude to the last set of Judgement to come in upon earth that will be described in Chapter 16. Join us in this interactive service as we explore together as a family this precious Book.
Revelation 15 – Justice
Today Pastor Jim discusses God’s justice and how we must not mistake His grace with tolerance. We are told to submit to the authority God has put in place, so as much as it does not conflict with God. God see’s what is going on in the world and one day he will judge the world’s sin. Join us as we look into this topic today.
Revelation 14 – Verse By Verse
Tonight we go through Revelation Chapter 14 Verse By Verse
Revelation 12 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we focus on Revelation 12, by going through the Chapter, Verse by Verse.
Revelation 12 – Overcomers
As we dive into Revelation 12 we focus on the Red Dragon and who he really is. Pastor Jim takes time this week to walk through who Lucifer (aka Satan) is and what he does to try to deceive us. Are you putting on the Armor of God or are you walking into battle without it?
Revelation 11 – Verse by Verse
Tonight we will work our way through Revelation 11. What an interesting chapter and a discussion you won’t want to miss. If you weren’t able to join us Wednesday Night tune in now and walk through this great study with us.
Martyrs and Mysteries – Revelation 11
Good morning Church! This week we will dive in the the middle of Revelation (If you have missed any services up to this point, feel free to catch up with the preceding recordings). Revelation 11 brings us to the midway point of this great book. Today we focus on God’s measuring stick and how close do we REALLY want to be with God. Are you willing to be examined by God? Pastor Jim explains you need only be willing. Are you…