Sermons by Pastor Jim Etheridge (Page 35)

Sermons by Pastor Jim Etheridge (Page 35)

Senior Pastor at CCES

1 Samuel 15

Saul gets to the point in his ruling where he has left his trust in God and started to lean on his own ideals. Pride always leads us down the path of failure and death. Trust the Lord and do not give him your worst, but rather your best each day. Don’t try to do this alone, seek out brothers and sisters to pray with and share your burdens.  

1 Samuel 13

Waiting on the Lord and trusting in His outcome for your situation is key for the Christian. Today we explore how impatience led to the eventual fall of King Saul. How often do we take matters into our own hands rather than inquiring and waiting on the Lord?

1 Samuel 11

This morning we take a look at Saul’s rise as the king of Israel. We see Saul rally the nation to fight against the Ammonite’s and deliver the city of Jabesh.

1 Samuel 7 – The anatomy of REVIVAL

Today we look at 1 Samuel 7 and look at a time when the nation of Israel would come back to the LORD. Pastor Jim dissects the verses of this chapter and lays out the components of their revival under the leadership of Samuel.