Sermons on 1 Samuel

Sermons on 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 26

One more time David  has an opportunity to dispose of Saul. But, rather than succumb to the temptation of ending Saul’s life, David uses great faith, discernment, and trust in God. Saul was still the one who God had chosen and was not willing to change that, he wanted God to be in control rather than taking things in his own hands. Do you ever have a test where you have an opportunity to take things into your own hands?…

1 Samuel 21

This morning we talk about running into the presence of God. At this point in his life, David was running from Saul and didn’t know what to do or where to go. The priest Ahimelek(h) asks him “…why are you alone?” And…David lies! Don’t compromise your integrity, for safety. Your lies will find you out eventually.

1 Samuel 19

This morning we continue to look at the early life of David. We see an example of a man who failed to see sin right in front of his own face and refused to repent. How often do we ignore our own sin? Everyday you have an opportunity to repent or ignore, which will you choose today and the next?
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