Sermon Library (Page 64)

Sermon Library (Page 64)

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1 Samuel 4

Is God in what you are doing? Today we take a look at a great battle between the Philistines and Israel. In the heat of the moment they failed to inquire of God and instead the Israelite’s assumed that by bringing the Ark they would be granted victory. Don’t bring symbols to a battle, when what you need is God.

1 Samuel 2 – Verse by Verse

In Chapter 2 we see Hannah offering up her son to the Lord and in that praising the Lord for all He does. What are you willing to give back to the Lord, AND THEN give Him praise in the midst of your personal pain of giving up what He gave to you. Remember all we have He has given to us. Are you willing to give it up and continue your worship?

1 Samuel 1 – Faith & Worship, Prayer & Perseverance

This morning we lay the framework for the what is to be our study of the life of David. Pastor Jim talks to us this morning about being intentional and persevere in everything we do, especially being intentional in seeking God and His will. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, shows us a great lesson in Prayer and Perseverance.

Ephesians 6 – Verse by Verse

Tonight we take a look into the last chapter of Ephesians. We are going to talk about honoring one another and putting on the whole armor of God, so that we may face this world and its attacks. Join us as we wrap up this precious letter written not only for the Church at Ephesus, thousands of years ago, but also for you today.

Ephesians 4:17-32 – Open Instruction

This morning we finish of the 4th Chapter of Ephesians and we look at Paul’s instructions on how to live a better life through Christ. Are you compromising and believing what the world has to say to you, or are you listening to the Voice of Truth? Drop what is hindering you and pursue what will help you in your walk with the Lord.